Introducing another patent pending design, called Lighted Access Signage. The present firemen access signage is just a simple signage that print or paste onto the window glass panel which hardly cannot be seen during the night and not to mention if there is a total power failure. This invention is to provide a prominent firemen access signage where rescue team can easily identify the access point within second without any hassle. In addition, it can be used as a first hand alert sign by blinking to alert public or rescuer when connecting to home automation devices

How it works?
This novel firemen access signage housing is embedded with LEDs or lighted tape to light up whole signage at a very low power consumption. The signage is placed in between a pair of glass panels to secure it in position and also for easy maintenance purposes. The space between the two panels electrically isolates them from one another to allow a pair of wires to go through and power up the LEDs from a power source. This power source can be a battery, rechargeable battery or an AC/DC power supply source. Besides using a pair of wires, printed conductive line, copper tape or etched ITO (indium tin oxide) circuit on glass can also be used to light up the signage.
Since this is the firemen access signage, it is applicable to all types of buildings usage, such as;
- Glass façade of the Commercial Building
- Glass façade of the Residential building